Systematic Training Needs Identification & Analysis


Well identified learning needs provide a strong foundation on which you may build a curriculum that can deliver performance based results. Be it at an organizational level or for a course, identifying needs is best carried out using a simple framework and a lean process. The course 'Systematic Training Needs Identification & Analysis' shows you how.

The 2-day classroom course is followed by a project of one-month duration in which each participant will work individually to identify needs for a live project. The end deliverable of this project – a Needs document will be submitted for a review to iDesign Skills.

Course Outline:

  • What is Needs Identification & Analysis?
  • Doing a Pre-TNIA Study: What and Why
  • TNIA: A Systematic Approach
  • The Six Box Model for Analyzing Needs
  • Tools for Identifying Needs
  • Constructing Effective Questionnaires
  • For a detailed listing of learning objectives and methodology of STNIA please get in touch with us at

Workshop Details

  • Duration:

    2 days classroom + Project Time

  • Pre-requisites:


About I Design Skills

iDesign Skills is a boutique Instructional Design firm providing Learning Design and Learning Advisory services. Our work is guided by a simple belief – put science & creativity back into learning.

The single-minded pursuit of this belief reflects in the way we help our clients design learning interventions, build ID capability and define training processes.

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